About the Department

  • Conservative Dentistry also known as Operative or Restorative Dentistry is the branch of dentistry concerned with the conservation of teeth in the oral cavity. Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics aims at the diagnosis and treatment of dental caries and its sequelae, teeth malformations and discolorations. It includes the treatment procedures and techniques to restore the teeth to their normal appearance and function in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

    Year of Establishment : BDS - 2006 | MDS - 2011
    Yearly Intake : BDS - 100 Seats | MDS - 6 Seats

H.O.D.'S Foreword

Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics is one of the branches that make up the cream of dentistry. The objective is to minimally invade the tissues and preserve as much as the natural tooth structure of the teeth damaged rather than extracting teeth. The Department Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics is committed to provide excellent education to our undergraduate/postgraduate students and conduct research that will benefit our patients.

- Dr. Ambar Raut
HOD, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Mission Statement

To disseminate high-quality education in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics among the students and provide quality restorative, aesthetic and endodontic treatment to the society at an affordable cost.